Actor Anushka Sharma has responded to the latest post of actor Athiya Shetty in which she talks about her ‘Monday blues’. Taking to Instagram, Athiya shared pictures in which she is dressed in a grey Mount Holyoke College sweatshirt paired with black leather pants and a black Prada handbag. However, her face isn’t visible.
In the first picture, Athiya Shetty holds a sipper cup containing a pale sky blue liquid. She is seemingly seated inside a car. In the second photo, she posted just the picture of her drink. She captioned the picture, “Monday blues” followed by blueberries emoji.
Reacting to the picture, Anushka Sharma commented, “You’re really stepping up on your fitness goals in the last leg” followed by a face with a stuck-out tongue and winking eye emoji. Athiya replied, “@anushkasharma had to bid farewell” followed by a tear emoji.
Anushka Sharma and Athiya Shetty have been sharing pictures from the UK. Athiya even turned photographer for Anushka during their stay. Last week, Anushka shared a series of photos clicked by Athiya. She had captioned the pictures, “10 thousand steps and some nice photos on the way @athiyashetty.”
A few days ago, Anushka had also shared a post featuring her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli and their daughter Vamika, from Durham, England. The post also had Athiya with her rumored boyfriend KL Rahul, posing with the group along with cricketers, Umesh Yadav and Ishant Sharma also posed with their wives, Tanya Wadhwa, and Pratima Singh, respectively, in the photo. Sharing the picture clicked in Durham, Anushka wrote, “Dur’hum’ Saath Saath hai”.
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Source link: Hindustan Times
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