New Delhi, Online Desk. The BCCI has banned Boria Majumdar for two years. After the dispute between Majumdar and Wriddhiman Saha, Saha had sought mediation in the matter by sharing screenshots on social media, after which the BCCI formed a three-member committee comprising Rajiv Shukla, Arun Singh Dhumal and Prabhtej Singh Bhatia. After investigation, he found guilty, after which he banned for two years.
Boria will not get media accreditation for any sport in India. He will not get any interview with any register player in India. And he will not given any facility of any kind. They will not be able to get entry in the stadium.
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In February this year, Saha shared some screenshots through social media in which the two had a chat. After this many cricketers came out in support of Saha and also appealed to him to name the journalist but initially he refused to do so. But later it was revealed that he is none other than famous sports journalist Boria Mazumdar. However, while clarifying on his behalf, he also accused Wriddiman Saha of tampering with the chat.
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Seeing the controversy escalating, the BCCI had formed a three-member inquiry committee consisting of Vice President Rajiv Shukla, BCCI Treasurer Arun Kumar Dhumal and Apex Council member Prabhtej Bhatia. He found guilty in the investigation and now he banned for two years.
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