New Delhi, Sports Desk. World’s great batsman Sachin Tendulkar and Microsoft founder Bill Gates met on Tuesday. Sachin Tendulkar shared the information of this meeting in Mumbai through Twitter. He also shared pictures of his meeting with Bill Gates. It can be seen in the photographs that Sachin Tendulkar’s wife Anjali Tendulkar was also present during the meeting.
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Sharing the pictures on Twitter, Sachin Tendulkar wrote, ‘The two had a conversation about charity and health care of children. Explain that the Sachin Tendulkar Foundation provides affordable healthcare to children from economically poor backgrounds.
The former cricketer further said, ‘The problems of the world can be solved only through more discussions. Today was a great learning opportunity to gain perspective on philanthropy, including the children’s healthcare that our foundation works on.’ He further said, ‘We are all students for life. Thank you Bill Gates for your insight.
Also Read: Bismah Maroof: Maroof steps down as Pakistan women’s captain
We are all students for life. Today was a wonderful learning opportunity to gain perspectives on Philanthropy – including children’s healthcare, which our Foundation works on.
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