Chief Minister Pushkar Dhami made a big statement – Rishabh Pant will be airlifted after the car accident. On Friday, when Rishabh Pant was a victim of a car accident while returning from Delhi to his residence in Roorkee. Rishabh Pant was badly injured in a car accident.
He has been referred to Max Hospital in Dehradun. Rishabh got hurt on his forehead and leg. Doctors say that he will have plastic surgery.
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Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has taken information from the officials about the injured cricketer Rishabh Pant in the car accident. During this, the Chief Minister has given instructions to ensure arrangements for his proper treatment.
Wishing Rishabh Pant a speedy recovery. The Chief Minister of Uttarakhand said that all the expenses of his treatment would be borne by the state government. If an air ambulance is requiring, that will also be arranged.
After this terrible road accident of Rishabh Pant, his mother is in bad condition by crying. She is praying to God for the well-being of her son. After getting information about the accident, Rishabh’s relatives have also reached the hospital and are consoling the mother.
Uttarakhand DGP Ashok Kumar told the media after the accident that Pant was driving his BMW car which caught fire after hitting the divider at the Narsan border.
According to the Uttarakhand Director General of Police, Pant told that he lost control of the car as he fell asleep while driving. Rishabh Pant was alone in the car at the time of the accident and broke a window to escape.
After this he was admitting to Saksham Hospital on Delhi Road. On Friday (December 30) morning, Rishabh Pant was coming from Roorkee to Delhi by car.
Rishabh Pant’s house is in Roorkee. Pant’s car went uncontrolled after reaching Narsan town and overturned and broke the railing and pole.
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After this his car caught fire. The number plate of a Mercedes car is DL 10 CN 1717. According to the information. The villagers also took some money from Rishabh’s car from the accident spot.
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