The BCCI announced squads for Team India’s upcoming Test and ODI series against West Indies on Friday. The selection committee faced backlash by many former cricketers and experts of the game. Amid all, Ex-India cricketer Aakash Chopra has also lashed out at the BCCI selectors.
Know what Aakash Chopra wrote in his Twitter handle –
Aakash Chopra has questioned the purpose of giving Suryakumar Yadav (SKY) sole Test match and then dropping the player. He has also questioned about Arshdeep Singh not getting selected for the ODI matches in the Caribbean. Chopra wrote this on his Twitter handle.
Also Read:-BCCI Official’s Statement: Suryakumar Yadav Should Focus On White Ball Cricket
India are set to start their tour of West Indies on July 12 with a two-match Test series. A three-match ODI series will follow it with the first match taking place on July 27. A five-match T20I assignment will cap off the tour with the first game taking place on August 3.