India’s star player and wicket-keeper batsman Rishabh Pant is admitted to Max Hospital in Dehradun after a car accident on Friday. Rishabh’s accident at the end of the year shook all the fans inside. Fans were bugged all day on Friday morning with this news. Please tell that Rishabh Pant’s fan following is very high in India. Rishabh Pant has been the first choice of BCCI and fans since the retirement of MS Dhoni. In such a situation, it is a matter of concern for the fans. In this dangerous accident, Rishabh was lucky that he survived. The BCCI is constantly keeping an eye on Rishabh’s condition. Fans are repeatedly resorting to news and internet to know their updates, but some fans have crossed the limit.
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To know the condition of Rishabh Pant, the fans came up with a new idea and started calling the BCCI headquarters in Mumbai. According to a report in Indian Express, this thing has been confirmed. Fans are trying to call the BCCI office to know in which hospital Rishabh is admitted and how is his condition. Some fans have crossed the limit. He is also trying to get information about whether Rishabh will be a part of the team in the series against Australia or not. On Saturday, the director of DDCA met Rishabh and gave a big update on his health and said that there is no need to airlift him to Delhi. Rishabh’s condition is now stable and he is under the supervision of doctors.
Also Read: Rishabh Pant Road Accident: Doctor Said, “No serious Injury”
Let us tell you that Rishabh Pant has got head and knee injuries. Although the BCCI is very concerned about his knee injury. BCCI officials met the doctors treating Rishabh at Max Hospital and told them that the BCCI medical team will take care of him. At this time Rishabh’s mother and some of his friends are present in the hospital. Rishabh Pant has an injury to his right knee and how serious it is will be known through MRI or further tests. Currently, it takes two to six months for a ligament injury to heal. If this happens, Pant may miss the Border-Gavaskar Trophy or even the opening matches of the IPL. But right now it will be too early to say anything before the final medical report comes on this.
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