New Delhi, Online Desk. The Indian cricket team has to play against Sri Lanka after the series being between the West Indies. Chief selector Chetan Sharma announced the squad for the T20 and Test series on Saturday. Rohit Sharma made the captain of the Test team. Ajinkya Rahane and Cheteshwar Pujara dropped from the squad selected for the Test series against Sri Lanka. The chief selector, while announcing the team, also answered whether the doors of the team closed for him now.
On Saturday 19 February 2022, the team selected for the T20 and Test series against Sri Lanka announced by Chief Selector Chetan Sharma. He told that Ajinkya Rahane and Cheteshwar Pujara have been dropped from the Test team. The Indian team has to play two test matches against Sri Lanka. The first match is to be in Mohali while the second match is to be in Bangalore.
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