Former Indian cricket team captain and Chennai Super Kings captain MS Dhoni was recently spotted driving a vintage Rolls Royce in Ranchi. Although all the fans of Dhoni know that He is very fond of vehicles. At the same time, he has at least 15 high-end cars and 70 bikes. Meanwhile, the CSK captain has been seen driving a vintage Rolls Royce in Ranchi. This video of him is becoming very viral on social media.
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Fan followings of MS Dhoni, the captain of IPL’s most-time champion team Chennai Super Kings, are seen all over the world. Although Dhoni is also seen to have a lot of love for vehicles. Dhoni is often seen driving a car or a bike. Whereas this time Dhoni has been seen driving a blue colored vintage Rolls Royce.
In a video captured by a fan, Dhoni was seen driving his vintage 1980 Rolls Royce on the streets of Ranchi. He is oblivious to being filmed driving his blue Rolls Royce. As he was focused on roaming the streets of Ranchi.
MS Dhoni’s car collection ranges from a Hummer H2 worth Rs 75 lakh to the recently bought KIA EV6 worth Rs 61 lakh. Apart from this, he has many impressive cars. At the same time, Dhoni is also very fond of bikes. Recently the video of Dhoni’s bike collection went viral. Seeing the bike collection in that video, it seemed that it is a bike showroom.
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