Former and current players of Chennai Super Kings seen together during the T20 World Cup 2022 held in Australia. Chennai Super Kings shared a photo on their official social media handle, in which batsmen George Bailey, Michael Hussey, Robin Uthappa, fast bowlers Josh Hazlewood and Chris Jordan and all-rounder Moeen Ali seen. Chennai Super King shared a photo of all these with his audience, in which the caption read, ‘United by #Yellove.’
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Let us tell you that Chris Jordan and Moeen Ali are currently part of the Chennai team. While Robin Uthappa announced his retirement after playing the 2022 edition of IPL. Along with this, Josh Hazlewood was also a part of Chennai but at present he is part of Royal Challengers Bangalore team and finally George Bailey and Michael Hussey were an important part of Chennai team in the past. They all met during the T20 World Cup held in Australia and remembered all the memories of the Chennai team.
Let us tell you that Chris Jordan and Moeen Ali are participating in this World Cup for the England team. Although Moeen Ali has featured in both the matches so far. Chris Jordan has had to sit out of both these matches. Fast bowler Josh Hazlewood is in command of the bowling of hosts Australia. Apart from this, George Bailey is currently a member of Australia’s selection committee. While Michael Hussey is working as a commentator. And Robin Uthappa of India has also reached Australia for Hindi commentary.
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Super 12 matches currently played in the T20 World Cup. Today South Africa vs Bangladesh, India vs Netherlands and Pakistan vs Zimbabwe match will be played in the evening.
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