New Delhi, Online Desk. Tamil Nadu batsmen Baba Aparajit and Baba Indrajit have created history in the ongoing Ranji Trophy match between Tamil Nadu and Chhattisgarh. Playing in first-class cricket, both became the first twin brothers to score a century for the same team in the same match. Baba Inderjit scored 127 runs in this match while his brother Baba undefeated 144 is still unbeaten.
Brilliant innings from both the brothers put Tamil Nadu in a strong position as they posted 417 for 6 at lunch on the second day of the game. This is the 11th match of Baba Inderjit, while this is the 10th first class match of Baba Aparajit. The duo added 205 runs in the third wicket partnership and put the Tamil Nadu team in a strong position. Earlier also both had scored a century in the same match but then both were playing for different teams. But this is the first time that both of them have done this feat while playing for the same team.
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Aparajith scored a century in the Duleep Trophy while playing for India Red and Inderjit played for India Green. The style of playing of both the brothers is completely different from each other. While Inderjeet scored 127 runs in 141 balls, undefeated 144 runs in 247 balls are still unbeaten.
Talking to Times of India, Indrajit said, “Batting with each other is a favorite since childhood. We always back each other. When we both scored centuries last time we were in different teams but To do so in one match and for Tamil Nadu is a special experience for both.” On this occasion Baba Aparajit said that he was hitting the ball fast but I did not want to make any such mistake. Looking at the slow pitch, my first thought was to bat with the bounce.
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