Shikhar Dhawan will be seen in a special role in the upcoming Bollywood comedy film ‘Double XL’. Sonakshi Sinha and Huma Qureshi are there. It is the story of two women who search for their dreams. Directed by Satram Ramani, ‘Double XL’ aims to challenge body weight stereotypes. And it also stars Zaheer Iqbal and Mahat Raghavendra. According to Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan, after hearing the story, he instinctively entered the film to do a special role.
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On joining the film, Shikhar Dhawan said in a statement, “As an athlete playing for the country, life has always been very hectic. Watching good entertaining movies has been my favorite hobby. When this opportunity came to me and I heard the story, it had a profound effect on me. It’s a lovely message to the entire society and I hope a lot of young girls and boys continue to chase their dreams, no matter what.”
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Shikhar Dhawan is one of the best players on the Indian cricket team. He also became the first player in the history of IPL to score two centuries in a row. He was awarded the Player of the Tournament for his exploits in the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy.
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The film will feature Sonakshi Sinha and Huma Qureshi in lead roles. Other popular faces like Zaheer Iqbal and Mahat Raghavendra. Collectively helmed by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Vipul D Shah, Rajesh Behl, Ashwin Varde, Saqib Saleem, Huma Qureshi, and Mudassar Aziz, the film will release on November 4.
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