India women’s cricket team vice-captain, Smriti Mandhana, was spotted in the star-studded stand of the iconic Kia Oval in London. She cheered on the opening day’s play of the fifth and final Ashes Test between England and Australia. Her presence at the prestigious event delighted her fans and followers, as she shared her excitement on social media.
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Mandhana’s Instagram Story Reveals Her Delight
In the pictures shared on her Instagram, Smriti exuded elegance dressed in black attire, complemented by matching shoes. She captioned the post with the word “Ashes,” followed by a smiling face with heart-eyes emoji, expressing her enthusiasm for the high-profile cricketing spectacle between the arch-rivals.
Return After Bangladesh Series
After featuring in the limited-overs series against Bangladesh. The prolific opener briefly returned home before heading back to England for her next cricketing assignment.
Participation in The Hundred Women’s Tournament
Smriti’s current visit to England is in preparation for the upcoming The Hundred Women’s tournament. The schedule is to begin on August 1. She will represent the Southern Brave and is set to play as an opener against the Trent Rockets in Nottingham.
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Impressive Performance in Inaugural Season
The Southern Brave decided to retain Smriti after her stellar performance in the inaugural season of The Hundred Women. In just eight games, she amassed an impressive total of 211 runs at an outstanding strike rate of 151.79. Despite her outstanding contributions, her team narrowly missed the title, losing to the Oval Invincibles in the final by five wickets.
Indian Stars in The Hundred
Apart from Mandhana, another Indian cricketing sensation, Harmanpreet Kaur is the captain of the national women’s team. She will also be showcasing her skills in The Hundred Women’s tournament. Harmanpreet was trad from Manchester Originals to the Trent Rockets, adding to the excitement for Indian cricket fans.