New Delhi. On Friday, away from the noise of IPL, such a picture came out from across the seven seas, which attracted everyone’s attention. Only a month is left for the final of the World Test Championship to be held between India and Australia. Meanwhile, Indian batsman Cheteshwar Pujara and England’s star batsman Steve Smith were seen batting together in England. Pujara and Smith are part of England’s county team Sussex. During the County Championship, both were seen playing in the match against Worcestershire County Club.
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A 61-run partnership was formed in the match between Cheteshwar Pujara and Steve Smith. Smith got out after scoring 30 runs after facing 57 balls. At the same time, Cheteshwar Pujara is still standing on the field. He is playing after scoring 61 runs after facing 100 balls. Fans are hoping that Pujara will definitely convert this inning into a century.
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The teams of India and Australia have to face each other in the final of the World Test Championship on June 7. Both teams are strong contenders to become Test champions. On paper, the team of India and Australia looks very strong. During this high-voltage match, Australia has high hopes from Steve Smith and India from Cheteshwar Pujara. The special thing is that during the County Championship match, Steve Smith was seen playing under the captaincy of Indian batsman Pujara.
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