New Delhi, Sports Desk. On Sunday night at Chepauk ground, that scene was seen, which made crores of Indian fans emotional. Legendary Indian batsman Sunil Gavaskar seen running on the ground to get the autograph of Chennai Super Kings skipper MS Dhoni. Mahi signed his autograph on the t-shirt of fan Gavaskar and the historic moment was caught on camera. Sunil Gavaskar’s first reaction after the video went viral has also come to the fore and the former veteran batsman has heaped praises on Mahi.
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Sunil Gavaskar has praised Dhoni fiercely while talking to Star Sports. He said, “Who doesn’t love MS Dhoni? What he has done for Indian cricket is amazing. For me, the most important thing is that he is an amazing role model. Many young players in India want to be like him.” The way he handles himself is phenomenal.”
The former India batsman revealed that he had already borrowed the PAN to get an autograph from MS Dhoni. He said, “I had borrowed the PAN only when I came to know that MS Dhoni would be attending the lap at Chepauk ground. I kept it with me. Many thanks.”
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In IPL 2023, MS Dhoni’s bat has spoken fiercely. Mahi has scored 98 runs in 13 matches played this season at an unmatched strike rate of 196. In the last overs, the captain of Chennai Super Kings has created havoc with the bat. Under the captaincy of Dhoni, Chennai Super Kings have won 7 out of 13 matches played so far this season, while the team has lost in 5 matches.
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