ICC released the promo video of World Cup 2023 on Thursday. In Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan is seen with the ICC World Cup trophy. Shahrukh (King Khan) has given his voice in the video. The tagline of the World Cup is “All it takes is just one day”. Shahrukh utters this line at the end of the video, displaying the World Cup trophy. The World Cup-winning six of MS Dhoni is also shown in the video. This video is being liked a lot by the fans. At the same time, the fans of King Khan are also very fond of the video.
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The ICC had shared the photo of the World Cup trophy with Shahrukh Khan a day earlier. After this discussions started among cricket fans and everyone was curious to know the reason behind this photo. ICC released this promo video of two minutes 13 seconds at 12 noon. Memories related to the old World Cup are also shown in this video. The first of this collection of old footage is a glimpse of the match between India and South Africa, in which Chahal dismisses van der Dussen, and Mahendra Singh Dhoni is seen appealing from behind the wicket. This is followed by glimpses of Virat and Yuvraj Singh celebrating after winning the match in the World Cup 2011. After this, glimpses related to the World Cup of the rest of the teams are shown and finally, Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s World Cup 2011 winning shot is seen.
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Finally, the King Khan of Bollywood Shahrukh is seen with the World Cup 2023 trophy. If he says “For everything ever dream for, pushed for, lived for, it takes one day”
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