Shah Rukh Khan wishes Eid Mubarak: Shahrukh Khan, the owner of the KKR team playing in the IPL (IPL 2023), celebrated the festival of Eid (Eid Festival 2023) at his home. Shah Rukh Khan’s house Mannat is in Mumbai, outside which a large number of fans had reached since this morning. Today is Eid and on the occasion of this holiday, everyone turned up in front of Mannat to see their favorite star, Shahrukh. Around 3 in the afternoon, Shah Rukh Khan came to the balcony of his house and greeted the fans by climbing on the lattice.
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Shah Rukh Khan is a Bollywood star before being the owner of the KKR team, due to which he has crores of fans. Talking about IPL, he is the owner of the KKR team since the first season. Recently in IPL 2023, he also went to Eden Gardens to watch the match against RCB. There too Shahrukh Khan’s fans had reached large numbers. Today, on the occasion of Eid, when Shah Rukh Khan came to the balcony of his house, the craze of the people was about to be seen. Police were also present outside to handle the fans who arrived in large numbers.
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