Sunrisers Hyderabad got their first win in the fourth match after losing three consecutive matches in IPL 2021. However, the franchise has received a major setback after this. Actually, the team’s main fast bowler T Natarajan may be out of IPL due to his injury. With the exit of Natarajan, Hyderabad’s fast bowling department will be weakened a bit. Natarajan, who bowled a superb yorker in the death over, will no longer be able to take part in the tournament.

Natarajan dropped out due to a knee injury

According to the report, Natarajan has been ruled out of IPL 2021 due to a knee injury. Even before this, he has a knee problem, then he lived in the National Cricket Academy in Bangalore for two months. It is being told that Natarajan’s knee problem has become serious once again and that is why he has withdrawn from the tournament.

Natarajan did not even play the last match

It is noteworthy that Natarajan was not part of the team in the last match of Hyderabad. However, after the match, franchise director Tom Moody made it clear that he was rested. Moody had said, “He has not been dropped, he has been rested. We are managing his workload, we know that it is a very long tournament and he has played a lot of cricket recently.”

At the same time, Sunrisers Hyderabad captain David Warner had told that Natarajan has a knee pain and if he goes out of the bio bubble for treatment, then he will have to stay in quarantine for seven days before joining the team again.

According to the report, Natarajan will have to go out of the bio bubble due to a knee problem and then he will have to remain quarantined to return to the team. For this reason, they have decided to withdraw from the tournament.