Mumbai Indians players brutally trolled fast bowler Naveen-ul-Haq after their win against Lucknow Super Giants in the IPL 2023 Eliminator match on Wednesday. The Mumbai players took a picture of the table on which the mangoes were kept. The picture was shared on the Instagram profiles of Mumbai players Sandeep and Vishnu with the caption “Sweet season of mangoes.” But later he deleted this post.
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The RCB vs LSG match started with a heated exchange between Virat Kohli and Naveen. After the match, there was a debate on the field between these two players. After which this matter is not taking the name of calm. Kyle Mayer and Kohli were also seen talking before LSG coach Gautam Gambhir took the West Indies all-rounder away. But, things took a turn for the worse as Gambhir opened up against Kohli and a brawl ensued.
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Naveen shared a picture of ‘sweet’ mangoes on his Instagram story after the RCB-LSG match when the Bangalore team was struggling in other fixtures. The fast bowler also tweeted a video that appeared to mock RCB and Virat Kohli after they lost to Gujarat Titans in the final match of the league stage and also mocked them after being out of the playoff race.
Now after the ouster of Lucknow Super Giants from IPL 2023, RCB fans are trolling Naveen-ul-Haq fiercely on social media. Please tell that Naveen took the wickets of four batsmen while bowling well in the match against Mumbai. Even after this, his team could not win and was out of IPL 2023.
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