Virat Kohli shared a photo with his daughter on Instagram. In this, Kohli and his daughter Vamika are sitting by the side of the swimming pool. This cute photo is becoming increasingly viral on the Internet. As you know that Virat Kohli is currently playing IPL (IPL 2023) for RCB. Anushka Sharma came to the stadium for the match held in Bangalore on Monday, this is the first time in IPL season 16 that Anushka came to watch the match. Kohli also met his wife and daughter after several days.
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Virat Kohli scored a half-century in the match against Lucknow, this match was also special for Kohli because his family had come to watch the match. Anushka Sharma was cheering Kohli & team at the stadium even though RCB could not win the match despite the big score. On Tuesday afternoon, Virat Kohli shared a photo with his daughter on social media.
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Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma have shared photos with Vamika many times on social media, but they do not show the daughter’s face every time. This time also Kohli took care of this. In the photo that Kohli just shared, he and his daughter Vamika Kohli are sitting on the side of the swimming pool. Kohli shared this beautiful photo with a heart emoji.
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