Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has become emotional after reading the post of Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan. In fact, in October this year, a Delhi court had approved the divorce of Shikhar Dhawan and his wife Ayesha. While giving the verdict, the court did not give custody of son Zorawar to Shikhar but did allow him to meet him in India and Australia.
However, even after the court order, Ayesha is keeping Shikhar and Zorawar apart from each other. Yesterday, Shikhar shared a post on Instagram wishing his son a happy birthday. He told that he has been away from his son for the last one year.
Shikhar wrote in his post, “I have not met you for a year. It has been more than three months…I have been blocked from everywhere. So I am posting your old picture so that I can wish you a happy birthday. I can give. My child, happy birthday. I can’t meet you but, there is a thing called telepathy in this world.
I am attached to you by heart. I am proud of you. I know you are doing well and growing up well. Papa misses you a lot. Love you very much. Be evil, but don’t harm anyone. Help people, be kind, learn to be patient and be strong. I can’t see you, I can’t talk to you, but I definitely send you a message every day. Lots of love.- Papa”
While sharing this post of Shikhar on his Insta Stories, Akshay Kumar wrote, ‘I have become very emotional after seeing this post. I am also a father. I know that nothing can be more painful than not being able to meet your child, not being able to talk to him. Take courage Shikhar, lakhs of people are praying for you that you should be able to meet your son soon. God bless.’
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