New Delhi. In the opening match of IPL 2023, Chennai Super Kings had to face defeat against Gujarat Titans. But, Rituraj Gaikwad won everyone’s heart with his stormy innings. Rituraj missed out on a century. But, played such a stormy inning of 92 runs in 50 balls, everyone became his admirer. Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni himself also openly praised his opener. Apart from him, Virender Sehwag also became a fan of Rituraj Gaikwad.
Rituraj Gaikwad hit a total of 9 sixes in his innings of 92 runs. He missed by 8 runs to repeat the feat of Brendon McCullum. McCullum was the first batsman to score a century in the first match of any IPL season.
Virender Sehwag said about Rituraj Gaikwad’s innings on Cricbuzz, “I use such words in praise of Virat Kohli. But, the way Rituraj batted against Gujarat Titans, it was soothing to the eyes. No other batsman of CSK could play like Rituraj. Wickets were falling from one end. But, Rituraj continued to play in a stormy manner. He hit more sixes than fours in his innings. While he is not counted among the batsmen who hit more sixes.
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Sehwag further said, “Yes, in the Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 Trophy last season, he (Rituraj) hit seven sixes in an over and I don’t think this record will ever be broken. It was a great innings. I think he will be disappointed for not scoring a century.
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