New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has lauded the initiative to help underprivileged girls on the occasion of the birthday of Indian cricketer Ravindra Jadeja and his wife Rivaba’s daughter. The star all-rounder had announced on June 8 that his wife had opened 101 Sukanya Samriddhi accounts at the Jamnagar post office to celebrate the 5th birthday of their daughter, Kunwarimbashree Nidhyanaba. Jadeja in his Twitter post also thanked PM Modi and Minister of State for Communications Devusinh Chauhan. Rivaba Jadeja is often seen at the Jamnagar Post Office. She is working on her own initiative for the welfare of the underprivileged girls of the area.
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Ravindra Jadeja and his wife have deposited Rs 11000 each in 101 accounts. Earlier Jadeja also appreciated for his efforts to help the needy families during the Kovid-19 pandemic. At that time also in a letter, PM Modi had appreciated the contribution of Ravindra Jadeja and his wife for social welfare.
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In this letter received by the Prime Minister, it is written, “Very happy to know about your gesture to open 101 Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts for 101 girls in the post office. The charitable initiative of depositing the initial amount in each account to celebrate the 5th birthday of your daughter Nidhyana is commendable. You continue to contribute for the betterment of the society. Such voluntary efforts will create a positive message within the society and inspire everyone.”
This year’s IPL season was very bad for the all-rounder player. He handed the captaincy of Chennai Super Kings, but he failed in captaincy with ball and bat as well. Jadeja left the captaincy after 8 matches and Mahendra Singh Dhoni again became the captain of CSK. However, he returned to form after the IPL. He scored a century in the Edgbaston Test. After this, during the ODI series on England tour, he could take only one wicket in 5 matches.
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Ravindra Jadeja played in only 2 matches of the recently played T20 series against West Indies. In this he scored 43 runs and took 2 wickets. India won the five match T20 series. Jadeja included in the Indian squad for the Asia Cup 2022. After this, the ICC T20 World Cup 2022 will be played in October-November. It expected that after his performance in the Asia Cup. He will be keen to make a place in the T20 World Cup team as well.
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