Indian women’s cricket team players Smriti Mandhana and Harmanpreet Kaur revealed certain secrets about their teammates as well as themselves in a fun question and answer session posted on their respective Twitter handles. Mandhana responded to a line of interesting questions, one of which was about food. On being asked the first thing she can’t wait to have after returning home, she replied, “The first thing I am going to eat is bhel because I just love bhel and wherever I go, I miss having it.”
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Mandhana also humbly answered a question in which she was asked if she would want a particular actress to play her role in case there was a TV show made on the Indian women’s cricket team. She replied by saying, “I think any actress could play me. I don’t have a particular person in mind and whoever the director chooses to play me, I will be very happy.”
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Harmanpreet, on the other hand, also replied candidly to a series of questions. To a question about naming a particular player picking something off the ground and eating, Kaur was quick in her reply.
She named Shafali Verma and said, “Shafali for sure because she usually gets hungry when playing in the match.”
The Indian Women’s Cricket Team recently played its maiden day-night Test against Australia in Queensland.
The match, dominated by India, ended in a draw but proved to be a spectacle of excitement for the fans. Smriti Mandhana scored her maiden Test century in the match. The three-match T20I series begins on October 7.
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