New Delhi, Online Desk. India Under-19 World Cup winning captain Yash Dhul created history by scoring a century on his Ranji Trophy debut on Thursday. The 19-year-old Delhi batsman achieved the feat in 133 balls on the first day of the Group H match against Tamil Nadu at the ACA Stadium in Guwahati. With this, his name added to the list of players like the legendary Sachin Tendulkar, Rohit Sharma and Amol Majumdar, who have scored centuries on debut. Prithvi Sha’s name is also in this list. Wickets kept falling from one side and on the other side Yash remained on Dhulwicket.
Dhul pulled Delhi out of trouble with a 60-run partnership with Nitish Rana. The team’s score was 7/2. M Mohammed broke the partnership, but Yash Dhul continued to score. He managed to complete his fifty in just 57 balls and along with Jonty Sidhu led the innings. However, he was also a bit lucky. When he on 97, he caught at mid-wicket off M Mohammed, but survived with a no ball.
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In the last five of India Under-19s, four captains have scored centuries on debut in first-class cricket. Vijay Zol scored 110 against New Zealand A in 2013. After this, Prithvi Shaw played an innings of 120 runs against Tamil Nadu in 2017. The next year, Priyam Garg scored 117 against Goa. Now Yash Dhul has joined this list. The Delhi batsman scored 113 runs before being lbw off Mohammad.
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Yash Dhul’s stellar performance continues. He was in excellent form in the Under-19 World Cup. He scored 229 runs in four matches, including a century in the semi-final against Australia. He got infected with Corona during the group matches and had to sit out in two matches. In the IPL Mega Auction, Delhi Capitals added him for Rs 50 lakh.
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