India’s star cricket Virat Kohli is very more activated on social media. Virat is the most followed player on social media. Recently, a tweet by Virat Kohli is becoming fiercely viral on social media. Virat, currently preparing for the upcoming Test series against Australia in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, made a funny tweet, in which he wrote that he had lost an unnecessary brand-nine phone.
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In a tweet posted on Tuesday (7 February), Virat tweeted, “There is nothing better than the grief of losing his new phone without any unbox. Have anyone seen?” On his tweet, Jomato made a tweet of his own, where he asked Virat to order his wife Anushka Sharma. , This will help. “However it is still not clear whether Virat has received a call or not, his focus is on the first Test in Nagpur, which is starting on Thursday (9 February). Virat is also impressive in this series. Would like to continue the form.
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Virat has a great chance to make a unique record in the upcoming border-Gavaskar Trophy played against Australia. He can complete 2000 runs in Tests against Australia during this series. Virat Kohli has scored 1682 runs in 36 innings in Tests against Australia. He is just 318 runs away from the 2000 figure. It is very difficult for Virat Kohli to do this in Nagpur. But he can achieve this record in matches in Delhi and Dharamshala. For this, Virat will have to score good runs in his first match.
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